All Accidents

Don't settle for less, use the experts
trust All Accidents!

In AllAccidents

Not only do we offer more but we help to claim more


Can handle all accidents
nationwide with success
Fatal Accident, Accidents with Car, Motorcycle, Motorbike, Bicycle, Truck, Abroad.
Obstetrics, Misdiagnosis, Cancer diagnosis, Plastic surgery, Misdiagnosis, Surgical negligence, Hospitals - Clinics, Plastic surgery
Death, Incapacity, Damage, Injury to Worker by Machine, Fall, Occupational diseases

We provide support for all types of accidents: traffic medical negligenceaccidents at work

In AllAccidents, we understand that pursuing legal action can be daunting, especially under the weight of unbearable financial costs. That's why we offer our clients the "NoWinNoPay" option, so you don't have to worry about fees before the outcome of a legal claim.
Our team of experienced lawyers help you face legal challenges with confidence, knowing that we only get paid if we win your case.
For the same reason, we will not advise you to proceed if the chances of winning are very low and the amount awarded is not worth the effort.
Why choose NoWinNoPay?
• Risk-free representation: The NoWinNoPay guarantee means that you pay us nothing unless we successfully resolve your case. It's a risk-free option for those who need legal help but may be hesitant due to financial constraints.
• Equal Access to Justice: We believe that everyone should have access to quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation. The NoWinNoPay option ensures that our services are accessible to those who need them most.
• Aligned incentives: With a NoWinNoPay agreement, our interests are aligned with yours. We are motivated to achieve the best possible outcome for your case because our payment is contingent on your success.
How it works in practice:
1. Free Consultation: Start with a free initial consultation to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys. During this meeting, we will evaluate your case and determine if there is a legal basis for pursuing your claim.
2. Case evaluation: If we believe your case qualifies for a successful claim, we will sign a contractor fee agreement and start working on your behalf. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation, gather evidence and develop a strategy to maximize your chances of success.
3. Legal representation: Throughout the legal process, you can trust that our team will provide you with expert guidance and representation. We will keep you informed every step of the way and strongly support your claim.
4. Successful result: If we win your case or secure a favourable settlement, our fees will be calculated as a percentage of the compensation you receive, as described in our contract.
Contact us today: If you are facing a legal challenge and need representation, don't let financial concerns get in the way. Contact us directly and discuss your case with us, with no strings attached, no financial obligation and learn more about NoWinNoPay. You can also set up a meeting through our secretariat at +30 210 6452133 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation. Let us fight for your rights and support you to get the justice and compensation you deserve.

Effectively claim what you are entitled to

Kokkinaki 80, Kifissia P.C.145 61
Call to: 2107212175, 6983077459
