Ο οδηγός της μοτοσυκλετας τραυματίστηκε στα δύο του πόδια μετά από σύγκρουση με αυτοκίνητο το οποίο είχε πλήρη υπαιτιότητα. Υποβλήθηκε σε πολλαπλές εγχειρήσεις, είχε μερική αναπηρία κάτω απο 10%, χρειάστηκε ειδική διατροφή για αρκετούς μήνες και υποστήριξη απο την μητέρα του στον ρόλο της αποκλειστικής νοσοκόμου μετά απο τις εγχειρήσεις. Το δικαστήριο αναγνώρισε τις ειδικές αυτές δαπάνες καθώς επισης και την απώλεια του εισοδήματος του λογω του τραυματισμού του.

A main theme in claiming damages from a traffic accident is the attribution of co-liability to another part. The "ideal" case where it is totally clear whose fault it is, is rather rare and generally lawyers try to distribute some degree of fault. Issues such as excessive speed for the conditions, poor tire maintenance, the influence of alcohol and driving without glasses that are required by the drivers' license are dimensions that affect the co-responsibility.

In several decisions the Greek courts have refused to attribute co liability ( therefore reducing the compensation to be paid) to the motorcycle passenger who rode without wearing a helmet. It must be proven that there was substantial connection of the death or the injury with the fact of not wearing a helmet. Especially in the case of death, usually it turns out that it took place even if the victim would have worn a helmet because of the violent impact and the serious injuries caused outside the cranium-cerebral.
The expert coroner's contribution is decisive.

Non-material damage or Moral damage or Non material Harm and Pain and suffering or Mental anguish or Mental Distress or Pretium Doloris are concepts that are often confused.
Although they have commonalities, their differences in the way in Greek law are handled are distinctive. Moral Damage (which is a broader concept) includes the Mental Distress (as narrower concept).
In an accident, apart from physical damage which is relatively easy to be defined, there are damages, such as non-material damages and mental anguish that a court must assess, Something that is not easy because it harms legitimate goods, such as the personality, the physical health and integrity, the reputation, the honor etc. of a person.

Don't waste time that could be crucial to your claim!
Kokkinaki 80, Kifissia P.C.145 61
Call to: 2107212175, 6983077459
